Table of contents
- Improved solution of the propeller blade force for whirl flutter analysis
Jiří Čečrdle, VZLU, Prague
- Hydro-mechanical control system design for turboshaft engine
Jozef Zakucia, VZLU, Prague
- Aircraft system identification using Quasi-Newton method
Pavel Hospodář, VZLU, Prague
- An Optimization of a Four-bar Linkage for control of trailing-edge flap
Jiří Brabec / Luboš Janko / Robert Theiner, CTU Prague
- Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Sheet under Deformation using Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming at High Temperature
Petr Homola / Lucie Nováková / Václav Kafka, VZLU, Prague
- Experimental and CFD study of wing in ground effect
Zdeněk Pátek / Martin Lahuta / Armand Drábek, VZLU, Prague
- Clean Sky 2 - A Real Challenge for Czech Aviation
Karel Paiger / Branch contact organization for aerospace research, Prague
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