Table of contents
- Influence of sandwich panel composition on sound insulating properties
Radek Straka, 5M s.r.o. Kunovice
- Extension of the Use of Composite Materials in the L410 Airplane
Miloslav Stündl, Aircraft Industries a.s.
- Integration of composite materials into the passenger cabin interior and the engine nacelle of aircraft l-410ng within the frame of inkom project
Vít Černý / Marek Gorálik, Evektor, spol. s r.o.
- 3D Modelling of the surfaces from the data obtained by laser scanning technology
Ondřej Šolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU in Prague / Petr Průcha, LA composite s.r.o
- Material and manufacturing process selection for composite engine cowlings
Bohuslav Cabrnoch, VZLU Prague
- Aerodynamic optimization of the engine nacelle shape
Vítězslav Hanzal, VZLU Prague
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