Journal for Czech Aerospace Research,

Development and Innovations

About editor

Editorial address:

VZLU / Czech Aerospace Research Centre

Beranových 130
199 05 Prague - Letňany
Czech Republic
Phone.: +420-225 115 224

Editor-in-Chief & DTP:
Martina Monteforte Hrabětová (

Production department:

Zdeněk Kočí (


Zuzana Tyrová (

Editorial Board:
Josef Kašpar, President ALV, General Director VZLU, CV-PDF
Vice-Chairman: Jan Bartoň, ALV
Members: Tomáš Bělohradský, Jaroslav Juračka, Luboš Janko, Pavel Kučera, Petr Kudrna, Zdeněk Pátek, Antonín Píštěk

ALV /  Association of the Czech Aerospace Industry


Czech Aerospace Research Centre